There are many repairs and maintenance work that needs to be done in your home. Some of the repairs you may be tempted to do on your home. Even though you may find repairs to plumbing systems seem easy, mistakes may cause more serious problems like water damage or other issues with plumbing. Here are some of the things that often go wrong when doing DIY plumbing repairs:
1. DIY Plumbing Trap Installations That Cause Leaks Beneath Sinks
If you have a leak beneath the sink, it is likely a problem with the trap, which is the U-shaped pipe that is under the sink. With a quick trip to the hardware store, you will be able to get a DIY replacement, which probably has screw-on fittings and rubber gaskets. The problem with these cheap plumbing traps is that the gaskets leak and sometimes are difficult to install correctly. Instead of one of the cheap plumbing traps, have a plumber install a new trap that is glued together and will not leak.
2. Installing New Water Line Fittings Incorrectly and The Leaks That Come Later
There are many different types of water lines in your home, which provide service to toilets, sinks and ice makers in the fridge. These water lines are often smaller and have threaded fittings that screw together. If you do not install these fittings correctly, they will leak and can lead to water damage to your home. Installing the wrong size line could also cause problems with water pressure. If you need to replace any water lines or install a new one, contact a professional plumber to ensure these repairs do not cause more severe problems.
3. The Surprise Flood from Cleaning Out Plumbing Vents with A Garden Hose
When your plumbing is making strange noises, this is probably a problem with the plumbing vent. One way that many homeowners try to fix this is by using a garden hose to flush out the blockage. The problem with using a garden hose is that this is likely to cause the water to come back out of plumbing in your home, which will lead to flooding and a watery mess to clean up. If the plumbing vents in your home are clogged, contact a professional plumber, and they can use a special auger machine that is meant to clean pipes and not flood your home with the garden hose.
These are some of the things that can go wrong when doing DIY plumbing repairs. If you are having problems with the plumbing in your home, contact a professional plumbing contractor before attempting to do these repairs on your own.
Contact a company like Vanhook Plumbing Heating & Cooling for more information and assistance.