Wood rot and the damage it can create are significant issues that need attention as soon as you know they are there. If left unchecked, the rot can spread, making wood rot repair difficult and more costly.
Inspecting Your Home
If you suspect you have wood rot in your house, it is essential to contact a wood rot repair contractor and schedule an inspection of the building. The contractor will go over all the areas that wood rot is common, and if you have some areas of concern, point them out during the inspection so the contractor can check them.
The sill plate that your house sits on is one common place to see rot, but rot can appear anywhere moisture builds up, like under porches, in basements, or places where the temperature shifts can cause condensation to form on wood surfaces.
If the contractor finds areas of concern during the inspection process, they will go over them with you and offer recommendations for addressing wood rot repairs. When you hire an inspector or contractor, it is essential to check to see that they have experience with this kind of work, so you are sure to get an accurate and complete assessment of the damage.
Making Rot Repairs
Repairing rotted material in your house can start as a small job, but often the rot extends further than you can see. Once the wood rot repairs are underway, the damaged material will be cut out and removed from the building.
If more rot is found than was initially seen, you may find that more material needs replacing to ensure that the building is structurally sound once the work is complete. The job can be challenging if the damage is under the house because accessing it can mean jacking the house off the foundation.
Each section of wood rot damage is cut out of the structure, and the contractor will replace the damaged sections immediately to ensure the building remains sound while the work is underway. In some cases, the contractor will use steel beams and columns to support the structure while the work is ongoing, allowing more material removal at one time.
Additionally, upgraded materials like pressure-treated lumber or hardwoods that are naturally resistant to rot can be used to reduce the chances of these areas rotting out again. In some places on the home, painting or sealing the wood will better protect it, so paint anything you can.
If the wood is going to remain natural-looking, some products can seal it without changing the look of the material while still keeping the water out and future wood rot repairs to a minimum.